
Posts Tagged ‘revision’

Just want a to wish everyone the best of luck next week! Its been a long time coming, but we’re finally here!

Few last minute tips for stress heads:


Over the past few days, I have been ransacked with my friends calling me, stressing out, panicking and the whole lot. Now is NOT the time to panic. Focus on what you know, not what you don’t. Appeal to your strengths and make the most of the exam. Remember to keep level headed in your final few days of revision, trust in your abilities, believe in yourselves and you’ll surprise yourself.


This is a big one. Tons of people are beginning to worry about the impending deadline and try to cram enormous amounts of information, right into the wee hours of the morning. It’s not going to work. You’ll only stress your self and your body out. Not to mention, your poor body will be shattered, and you’ll end up crashing out. Do your body a favour and get some shut eye, you need to be in full spirits for the LC, cos by the end of it, the first place we’ll all be hitting is the leaba.


Chaining yourself to your desk and only leaving for food and water is not a good idea. Take regular breaks to give your mind a chance to process the revised information. The weather is gorgeous (much to our dismay, typical), so try get out and sit in the sun for a half hour. Go for a walk or jog, sing, dance, run around the garden like a maniac! Do something that will release a bitta that pressure!


I can’t stress this one enough. If you go into an exam, let’s take English Paper 2 for example, and you say to yourself, I’m crap at Hamlet, I don’t know how to write a comparative and don’t get me started on poetry, well don’t be surprised to see a big fat D on your results in August! Go in with a positive attitude. Forget about points and colleges and whatnot. Focus on the exam itself. Devout yourself fully and engage with it completely. If we all wake up on June 6th, focusing on our strengths, then there is no need to panic. You can only do your best. Be it an A1 or a D1, do the best that you can, give it your all and that should be an achievement in itself.

Guys, August is a long way off, don’t get bogged down with the idea of points now. Focus on your revision and give those exams your best shot!

Good luck to everyone, and hopefully I’ll be keeping you posted (If I have some spare time! 😀 ) Also, I’m writing one of the Leaving Cert Diaries for The Irish Times, on English Paper 2, so be sure to check it out!

Best of luck guys, talk soon,



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