
Archive for August, 2011


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As the Leaving Certificate results day looms across the nation, the nervous hearts of thousands of teenagers pound in their young chests. The biggest hurdle they have ever come across is finally peering it’s dreaded head. For some, this time next week will mark their futures, where they will continue on a new path and close the secondary education chapter in their lives. Yet others, may not see it as a challenge, those who have planned their futures on a set course no matter how many points they rack up. Those are the ones who many envy.  Many anticipate the day with excitement, fear, dread and worry, but the relief is nearly here. The relief they have been waiting 6 years for. So as the statuses and tweets begin to clog up my newsfeed about the dreaded day, all I can think of is how this year will be the most important year of all.

I know many of you who are reading this are thinking, “Jeez, this girl has a few weeks left of summer and all she’s thinking about school”, well I’m afraid you’re right. Sure I have enjoyed my summer, spending time with friends, being a regular teen, but the little bug is constantly niggling at my thoughts. Trying to poke his head into any way he sees fit.  That little bug, also known as 6th year, is beginning to grow into my main focus at this point. But, how can it not? Everything we’ve worked for, for the past 4 or 5 years has been for this year. Every test, every exam, every word is all preparing us for this moment. The moment we step up on the pedestal and realise that now is our time to work, for everything we’ve ever wished for, our future is now in our hands.

Some of you may think that the Leaving Certificate is not the be all and end all of our lives, but I choose to differ. As the country’s economic climate becomes increasingly worse, and money becoming far less, people are now taking matters into their own hands by skipping college and just heading to work straight away. This idea scares me. No matter what I end up making of myself in life, I know I will need a piece of paper behind my name to entitle me to do so. The thought of being stuck in a dead end job where I can’t do the one thing I only want strikes fear into the shadows of my chest. If I want my dream, I know I will need to work. Work with all I have.

So as August is beginning to approach it’s close, I can already hear the strong words of my principal on the first day back. “Welcome back girls…Now it’s time for you to get ready with your final year. Your Leaving Cert year”. My final year to give everything I’ve got. To get to the place where I want to be and where I want to go. Leaving Certificate isn’t just sitting a few tests to see how smart you are. It’s about finding where your strengths and weaknesses are. Pushing you in ways you’ve never been pushed before, and helping you succeed. This is our final year in school. Our final year as children. But, our first chance at working towards our dream.


Best of luck to all who are receiving their results next week.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” – Gail Devers

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